Hepta Photo Agency
Hottest images from the most important red carpet events, paparazzi and much more....  

Right Managed pictures of daily life, beauty, childhood, health, and family among many other contemporary lifestyle subjects.  

Catwalk, backstage, beauty and accesories images from the New York, London, Milan and Paris fashion shows.  

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Terms & conditions:

Hepta Photo Agency Content Delivery and License Agreement.

This Site is managed by Hepta Photo Agency SRL., headquartered in Bucharest, Romania, and trading under the name Hepta Photo Agency. Please review the following terms and conditions concerning your access and use of all material and Images from the Hepta Photo Agency web site ("Site") www.hepta.com. These terms and conditions are a binding agreement between you and Hepta Photo Agency. By accessing, using this Site and/or downloading any material, you agree to follow and be bound by these terms and conditions:

1. Downloading an image constitutes a purchase, You will be invoiced for each image downloaded at either the agreed upon price or, in case of an unreported download made in error, the maximum price as set by the copyright holder. If you choose not to be bound by this agreement and or do not accept this agreement, please refrain from entering this site.

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4. Use of Images. "Images" means all images and related informational materials in any medium furnished by HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY hereunder, including related text, captions, or information. Your ability to access an Image does not in itself entitle you to use that Image. Downloading an Image shall constitute acceptance by you for payment for the limited license of the Image granted to You. All uses require payment according to the terms of HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY'S invoice, and you are required to pay for all Images that you download, regardless of whether you use them. Unless specifically stated on a HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY invoice, Images are licensed on a non-exclusive basis and are strictly limited to the use, medium, time period, print run, placement, size of image, territory, and any other restrictions indicated on this Site and/or in your HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY invoice and may not be used for any other purpose. Prices for licensed use shall be determined solely by HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY; if you are unsure as to the price for, or any other term or condition applicable to, your intended use, you must contact HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY prior to downloading an Image. All rights and uses not specifically granted are reserved to HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY. You are responsible for complying with all applicable laws and regulations in connection with any use of the Images.

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12. Payment terms. Payment is due within fifteen (15) days after your receipt of an invoice or the date specified in an invoice. A late payment charge calculated at the base rate of the Hungarian National Bank (Central Bank) may be added to any unpaid balance after thirty (30) days. You are responsible for the payment of all sales and tax, when applicable.

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14. Copies. At HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY'S request, you shall provide to HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY free of charge, no more than three (3) copies of any product or publication you create using the Images. If electronic use is permitted, at our request you agree to provide us with the URL and any required passwords or the screen capture equivalents for our records.

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16. Credit Line and Copyright Notice. You will include a copyright notice and photo credit adjacent to each Image (in the format: "(c) photographer's name/HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY" or as specified on the Site) with each publicly distributed Image. Receiving credit is a material aspect of the Agreement for HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY, and in such uses of Images, you agree to pay triple the invoice amount as penalty payment if you do not provide such credit and copyright notice.

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18. Jurisdiction. Any dispute regarding this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Romania and the parties agree to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the Arbitration Court attached to the Romanian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest. The application of the rules of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is expressly disclaimed. The parties hereto confirm that it is their wish that this Agreement as well as any other documents relating hereto, including notices, has been and shall be written in the English language. In any dispute between HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY and you, HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY shall be entitled to recover its reasonable attorneys' fees, legal expert fees, and other legal expenses from the other party.

19. Confidentiality. During this Agreement, HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY may provide you with certain pricing, technical, marketing and other confidential information of HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY. You acknowledge that such confidential information encompasses valuable trade secrets and is proprietary to HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY, and you shall maintain the confidentiality of any "confidential information" that HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY may provide to you, and you shall not use or disclose the same without the prior written consent of HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY. "Confidential information" includes any information that is either designated as confidential by HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY or that, under the circumstances surrounding the disclosure, ought in good faith to be treated as confidential by you.

20 Limited Warranties. Subject to the restrictions and limitations set forth in an invoice or under this Agreement, HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY warrants that it has sufficient rights to grant you the limited license under this Agreement and any accompanying invoice. Additionally, HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY warrants that the digital copy of the Image provided by HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY to you will be free from defects in material and workmanship (but not visual artifacts inherent in the original image) for 90 days following delivery via this Site; and, HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY will as your sole and exclusive remedy for your inability to use an Image and at its sole discretion, provide you with a replacement of the digital copy of such Image, or refund any fee paid by you to HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY provided you have not made any licensed use of the Image. Hepta Photo Agency does not warrant that caption information is accurate. HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY provides you with its online system on an "as is" basis. HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY makes no other warranty, express or implied regarding any images, its web page, or any rights or licenses under this agreement including, without limitation, any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

21. Limitation of Liability. Except for any liability which cannot by law be excluded or limited, neither HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY nor any HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY affiliate shall be liable to You or any other third party claiming through it for direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages arising out of, or relating to the use or inability for your use of the images, whether framed as a breach of warranty of merchantability, title, non-infringement, or fitness for a particular purpose, in tort, contract, failure of essential purpose, or otherwise.

22. Miscellaneous. You acknowledge that you have read this Agreement and understand it, and agree to be bound by all its terms and conditions. This document constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and merges all prior and contemporaneous communications. Unless stated otherwise, this Agreement shall not be modified except by a written agreement signed by duly authorized representatives of HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY, provided that no purchase order or similar document issued by you shall modify this Agreement even if signed by HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY. If HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY'S performance of any of its obligations hereunder is delayed by force major or any other matter not within HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY'S reasonable control, then the date for performance shall be extended by the time of such delay. If any provision of this Agreement is found invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this Agreement shall remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. The parties intend that the provisions of this Agreement be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. Accordingly, the parties agree that if any provisions are deemed not enforceable, they shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary to make them enforceable and in such manner as comes closest to the intentions of the parties to this Agreement as is possible. Non-enforcement of any provision herein does not constitute a waiver of any right to enforce the provision in the future. This Agreement will inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the parties, their successors and assigns, except that you may not assign or transfer this Agreement without HEPTA PHOTO AGENCY'S prior written consent.

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